Michael Schalles
Systemic Integrative Social Therapist, Integralis-Counsellor (in training), Coach (NCD-BFeG), Pastor and Pastoral Care Worker, Counselling for individuals and couples,
Freelance counsellor
0511 954 98-88
Systemic Integrative Social Therapist, Integralis-Counsellor (in training), Coach (NCD-BFeG), Pastor and Pastoral Care Worker, Counselling for individuals and couples,
Freelance counsellor
Kirchröder Str. 46
30559 Hannover
Management: Horst Weichert
0511 954 98-88
Monday - Thursday:
8.30am – 9am and 12.30pm – 1pm
Open office hours for pregnant women
Thursday 12pm - 2pm
Dementia counselling
Monday 12pm – 2pm
Unsere Arbeit
kann durch Spenden
unterstützt werden:
Bank für Sozialwirtschaft
IBAN: DE98 5009 2100 0000 1510 09
Member of the Diakonische Werk
Sponsor: Diakoniewerk Kirchröder Turm e.V.
Hans-Peter Pfeifenbring (Chairman)
Richard Josi (Deputy Chairman)